Thursday, March 21, 2013

Project #1 Student Interviews


Do you mind having a project posted around the school?
No, it's okay. 

What do you feel about your project? Are you satisfied with your work?
I am quite satisfied with the outcome, because I worked pretty hard this time. It was a little tough to find the colors, and to fill in Ms. Yung's requirements. 

What were some challenges? How did you solve those?
As I said, some colors were really hard to find and match together, for the gradations of color. Also, it was hard to match the sizes of the magazine pieces together. 

Did you have any inspirations / motivations for this project?
Actually I had an inspiration from a pretty dolphin picture that I found online. The original picture was also showing dolphins under sunset, so I thought I also want to make an artwork like this. 

How do you feel about the recommendations?
Actually I was really surprised! I never expected that my work will be recognized by people other than my art teacher :)


Do you mind having a project posted around the school?
Yeah, sure. It's fine for me. 

What do you feel about your project? Are you satisfied with your work?
I think I could have done better, so I'm not very satisfied. I ran out of time, so it is kind of not totally complete for me. 

What were some challenges? How did you solve those?
For me, the challenge was matching the different types of papers and colors. 

Did you have any inspirations / motivations for this project?
I wanted to involve eagle in my project, which represents the American emblem, freedom. 

How do you feel about the recommendations?

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